RSO for Breast Cancer - RSO Cancer Free

2 years ago

If you’ve given up on conventional medicine or modern medicine has given up on you, RSO(Rick Simpson Oil) could be one of the best treatments for breast cancer.

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RickSimpsonOil Cancer Free
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Product details

Rick Simpson Oil(RSO) is a high potency and strong cannabis extract with high THC levels and other minor cannabinoids. It is used for cancer treatment and numerous other diseases such as Arthritis, Insomnia, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, Severe Depression, Pain, Seizures, and much more.

In the case of Rick Simpson Oil, researchers found two cannabinoid receptors- CB1 and CB2 on cells throughout the body. For these receptors, cannabinoids present in RSO are the all-important “key”. The CB1 receptors are mainly located in the brain but are present in many major organs throughout the body, such as the heart and liver. CB2 receptors are found on cells throughout the immune system. When these cells mutate and become cancerous, they no longer die like normal cells, but grow and spread uncontrollably. Importantly, they still retain their CB2 receptors, even when they become cancerous. These CB2 receptors act as a target for the cannabinoids present in RSO. When those compounds hit the receptors, the key and lock come together and release a critical message- the cannabinoids tell the cancerous cells to die. Surprisingly, what follows is the cells “commit suicide”, a process called apoptosis. This is why full-spectrum Rick Simpson Oil is able to kill cancerous cells.