Changzhou Punghan Decoration Material Co., Ltd.
Changzhou Punghan Decoration Material Co., Ltd.
Profile : In the early 1990s, when environmental awareness began to rise, traditional flooring materials often contained chemicals harmful to the environment and human health, and there was a growing demand in the market for environmentally friendly flooring. Through continuous exploration and experimentation, we have created the brand MORGAN TULLY, that mixing stone powder with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) could create a high-strength, environmentally friendly material that also had waterproof, fire-resistant, and anti-corrosive properties. Additionally, by adding a special ingredient called Acromite Pozzolan to the flooring. The founder of the brand created a natural mineral with various trace elements that releases far infrared radiation, negative ions, purifies the air, inhibits mold, blocks water pulse waves, promotes the production of oxygen, and neutralizes harmful substances and heavy metals. The application of Acromite Pozzolan in flooring has been patented and approved, with a US patent application number of 17992804 and a Korean patent number of 10-2420824. MORGAN TULLY strictly controls every aspect of the flooring production process, from the selection and processing of raw materials to production and distribution, insisting on using environmentally friendly materials and production processes, and obtaining environmental certification. MORGAN TULLY is committed to providing consumers with high-quality, environmentally friendly, durable, waterproof, and fire-resistant flooring, creating a healthy indoor environment for customers, and constantly promoting the sustainable development of the industry to create a safer and healthier home living environment. It has become a trusted brand among people. Our vision: Save trees and make the world a better place. Our goal: Create a healthier and more environmentally friendly living space.
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